The Ultimate Guide On How To Remove Iron Stain

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The Ultimate Guide On How To Remove Iron Stain

Tips on how to remove iron stain from clothes

We have all been there before we are getting ready to go to work or an event and we decide to iron our clothes.  Then all of a sudden you see a burn mark.  We think our clothes have been damaged and there is nothing that be done to save them

However, this may not be true.  By following the tips outlined in this article you can successfully treat and how to remove iron stain.

Treat Stain As Quickly As Possible

Just as with all other stains, for the best results an ironing stain should be treated as quickly as possible.

One of the keys to treating stains effectively is to prevent stains from setting in.  To successfully do this, stains should be treated as quickly as possible.  The more time a stain has to soak into clothes or fabric the harder the stain will be to remove. 

Following an ironing stain remove the clothing or fabric and allow the item to cool. Ensure if you are using some sort of chemical treatment that it compatible with your clothing fabric. 

The most effective and compatible chemical will be some sort of stain remover.

Follow Clothing Direction When Treating Stain

Just as with all stains an ironing stain should be treated as quickly as possible.

Things to consider when buying a stain remover

There are a number of things to consider when trying to determine the best way to remove iron stain from clothes. Some of these include the following:

The type of clothing material you are treating for a stain. Also determine if the stain remover can it effectively remove an ironing stain.

Once a stain becomes dried it may need to be pre-treated with a color safe bleach for the best results. 

For non machine washable fabrics have clothes laundered as quickly as possible. 

Determine If The Clothing Needs To Pre-treated Before Washing

Once you have a set and dried stain it often requires some sort of pre-treatment to properly remove the stain. Most Laundry detergents will not provide adequate power to clean many of these stains.

For hard set in stains pre-treat stained clothes with a color safe stain remover  This will enhance and boost detergent results.   

These products are designed to help remove clothing stains.  The special enzymes penetrate stains and break them down which helps detergents work more effectively.  When pre-treating clothes saturate the stained area and allow the stain to sit according to the stain remover instructions.

Use A Good Color Safe Bleach/Stain Remover

Another important tip on how to remove iron stain from clothes is the brand of stain remover used.

Many detergent struggle when it comes to stain removal. For tougher stains you should use a color safe bleach to enhance detergent performance.  To get superior results use a color safe bleach with every laundry load to boast stain removal and brighten colors. 

Use Braxton® Color safe Bleach for the best results.  Braxton Color Safe Bleach works on the toughest of stains such as  blood, grass, dirt, oil, wine, coffee, tea and other tough stains.

Color safe bleach uses a chemical release of oxygen and has great cleaning power.  This is different from regular chlorine based bleach and is much less corrosive. 

In addition chlorine bleach uses toxic  and has negative environmental impacts.   Color safe bleach stain remover can be safely used in almost any instance.  It works on both colored and white clothes and fabrics. 

For the best looking clothing and fabric simply add Braxton® Color Safe Bleach to every laundry load.  To get the best results pre-soak clothing and fabric to remove tough stains.

Wash Clothes In Warm Setting

Washing Clothes in the warmest setting possible is will typically help with stain removal. However, before setting washing temperature always check the garment instructions to avoid unwanted results.

Ensure the stain is removed prior to drying clothes

Heating a stain can really cause a stain to set and in addition to making the stain more difficult to remove.  Therefore before adding heat in the drying process ensure that the contain has been removed before drying. 

How To Clean An Iron

After successfully removing your iron stain on clothing or fabric do not forget to clean the soleplate of the iron.  This part of the iron is likely to burnt fabric left on the iron as well as more potential stains.

These stains can be transferred to clothing during future use.  In order to effectively treat stains consider using an ironing cleaner such as the faultless iron cleaner

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