Tips for blood stain removal from clothes and beddings

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Tips for blood stain removal from clothes and beddings

Tips to remove blood from clothes and beddings

Have you ever had a accident where blood get on your clothing? It has happens to us all.  We have an accident and get blood on our clothes, bed sheets or even worse our mattress.  In the past this may have proven to be difficult to treat. Here are a few tip that can be used for blood stain removal from clothes and beddings.

But just because you have blood stain doesn’t mean it has to be the end of the world.  The good news is that blood stains can now be easily treated.  Utilize the tips laid out in this post to effectively perform blood stain removal from clothes and beddings.   

Tip 1- Treat the stain as soon as possible

The first tip for blood stain removal from clothes and beddings is to remove stains as quickly as possible. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove. If you notice a blood stain, deal with it as soon as possible. Allowing the stain to set in will allow the stain to penetrate deeper into the fabric. 

If you’re running late or just can’t treat it at the moment, at least throw the garment in a bowl of cold water to soak with a good stain removing agent when time allows. This will make the stain  much easier to deal with than allowing the stain to dry before treating.

Tip 2- Hot water is not the right answer

The second tip for removing blood stains for clothes and beddings is to not treat stains with hot water. When it comes to blood stains, hot water does more harm than good. Hot water heats up the stain driving it deeper into the fabric, This makes the stain more difficult to treat. 

In addition hot water can often be incompatible with the fabric being treated.  Not only that, but hot water should never be used on delicate fabrics, as it can damage or shrink them.

Before applying water to clothing refer to the fabric directions on how to best treat and wash clothing. 

Using a stream of cold water can work wonders when treating fresh blood stains.  This will allow you to flush and treat fabrics without damaging them. 

Tip 3 – Don’t rub blood stains into fabric  

Often after blood stains clothes or beddings there is an impulse to rub the blood of the fabric.  This however is the wrong choice.  when clothing or beddings are stained you should dab the stain rather than rub the stain. 

Rubbing the stain will drive the blood stain further into the fabric making the stain harder to treat. By dabbing the stain it will excess blood that has not penetrated the fabric can be removed without driving the blood deeper into the fabric.   

Tip 4 – Pre-treat blood stains before washing

When a tough stain does arise like a blood stain for the best results pre-treat the stain before washing.   Properly pre-treating a stain will give you the best chance to successfully treat any stain. 

In order to properly pre-treat do the following:

Soak the fabric in cold water  

There are two primary benefits to soaking stained fabrics in cold water.  The first benefit is that soaking fabric in cold water will allow the fabric to be properly flushed.

Secondly soaking fabric in cold water will help to loosen many stains by not allowing the stains to set in further penetrate the fabric. 

Use a good Stain remover for clothes

The use of a good stain remover will help treat tough blood stains.  A good stain remover should have the following properties. 

Works on all washable fabrics and colors. 

Should work on the toughest of stains.  Some common stains include blood, grass, dirt, oil, wine coffee and tea.     

Work as a color booster to help cloths retain their color and brightness. 

Tip 5 – Keep Plenty of Braxton Color Safe Bleach on Hand  

For the best results use BRAXTON Color Safe Bleach.    Braxton color safe bleach is the ultimate stain removal agent. 

The product works on a variety of fabrics and works on the toughest of stains.   Braxton Color Safe Bleach works well with all machine washable clothes and fabrics, works on the toughest of stains like blood, grass, dirt, oil, wine coffee and tea.

In addition Braxton Color Safe Bleach brightens both colored and white fabrics. 

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